Madison Georgia Engagement Pictures - Megan+Ryan = Engaged!

This photo shoot was the first time I had the chance of meeting Megan & Ryan in person. We met up downtown Madison. They braved through the heat for this shoot & handled it like champs!  

Megan & Ryan - y'all are beyond adorable and I can't wait to photograph your wedding!

Ryan worked so hard for this pic below, there was no way it wasn't going to get blogged!;)

Lake Oconee Engagement Pictures - Cassi+Nick = Engaged!

Do you remember the Home Depot proposal story I blogged about in June? Well, Cassi & Nick are getting hitched NEXT Saturday!!!! They are a super couple because they planned their wedding in just a couple of months! I agree with them, why wait?!  

Nick has worked at Agee's Lawn & Garden off and on for a while. They wanted to do part of the photo shoot there!

Nick has been working on his precious mom's house for a long time. Cassi has helped him out there a LOT.

My word Cassi, you are SO SO gorgeous.... 

Engagement Pictures in Wilkinson County Georgia - Betsy+Blake = Engaged!

I've known Betsy for a million  years. Throughout my life I've had friends that were way older than me or way younger than me(and of course I didn't discriminate against the same age as me either;). I used to pick Betsy up at her house before she could drive, buy way too much gas station candy on the way home and then stay up really late talking and laughing....and laughing. She's one of those forever friends I'll always have. I'm super grateful for you Betsy. I've seen your relationship with Christ grow deeper and deeper and I've seen Him do amazing things in your life. I know you will make an incredible wife to Blake. Blake, I love you too. I'm sorry you didn't get to hang out with me when you were younger(hahaha:).

Betsy & Blake joke around A LOT. I love it. They definitely have their serious side but I think it's pretty obvious these two just have a blast together. I can't wait to photograph their wedding this October!

They love to fish together...

They love to hunt too...

It started raining at the end of the shoot so we busted out an umbrella!