Family Time

What a beautiful family! They are a teaching, working out, baseball playing, beauty pagent winning family=). It was great getting to know y'all!

I had fun and thank you for allowing me to photograph your family!


Little White Dresses

Laurie and I go way back, she used to babysit me when I was little :) So, needless to say I was pretty excited when she contacted me about photographing her and her sweet kids! I absolutely looovvveddd their dresses! I hope you enjoy! :)


Fun at the Park

These were taken this past Saturday at the park underneath the river bridge in Milledgeville. I love it out there and we had so much fun!!! This little baby was precious!

For more images check out their slideshow :)

*** As for the blog logo change (AGAIN:) I do appologized that it keeps changing. I do believe this is the last for a while because I'm finally happy with it :) ***


Hinson Family

Here are a few of my favorites from a photo shoot of the Hinson family I did yesterday. Everybody was down for Christmas so it worked out perfectly. They are such a fun family & I had a blast shooting them :)

A special shot for my friend, she's been wanting one of these for a while and we got it! :)