Valerie & Alexis

Valerie and her daughter Alexis look SO much alike. I couldn't get over it. Valerie said they call Alexis her clone. Can you see why?!?

Well, we decided to meet up downtown at Blackbirds (my favorite coffee shop in the world!!!!) and get some pictures in the downtown area. After that we went down to the river. So, as we were walking through we definitely got stopped on part of the walkway because it was flooded! At first I was like WOOOPS, but then I thought it made a pretty sawweeet background so we just went with it! I'm SO glad we did! They were up for anything and that's what I love!!!!

I had a great time hanging out with y'all! I hope you enjoy the pictures!


Tiffany & Chad

As some of you know, Texas is where my best friend lives and it is definitely my second home. I absolutely love it there. A while before I made my most recent trip to Texas, a friend & co-worker of Michelle's husband contacted me about doing her family and engagement pictures while I was over there. It was so much fun! Here are the images starting off at Tiffany's beautiful Texas ranch and then on to downtown Huntsville. I hope y'all enjoy and it was so nice to meet y'all!


Click here for their slideshow

Family Time at the Lake

One of my favorite parts of my job is capturing memories with people, especially families. I come from a big family myself and family time is very important to me; it should never be forgotten. This is a very sweet family that was all together for the July 4th holiday. As always, I had a GREAT time :)


Roy & Jane

Roy & Jane are my Auntie's parents. They are such a sweet couple and a lot of fun to hang out with. By the way, Jane is SUCH a good cook! :)

I love y'all!
