Scott - GCSU Senior

Scott is a GCSU senior this year! We have been trying to do these for several weeks now. The weather rained us out, sickness was another delay, and then FINALLY this shoot happend! We were all glad it finally worked out! Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot. We had a nice little adventure all around downtown Milledgeville.

I know this is random, but look at the bottom of this post for a story about his parents.

For the past month or so Scott's mother Lori and I have been emailing back and forth scheduling and discussing this photo shoot of Scott. This past weekend, Lori emailed me an extremely sweet message. She was looking through my blog and saw where I mentioned how I love hearing stories of how people meet. She decided to tell me her and her husband's story. I'll let you just read what she wrote me!  I thought this was so cool! She also mentioned in another email how every Friday night is still "date night". How cool is that? After 30 something years of being married, still dating each other!  Thanks for being such a great example!

My husband and I met on a MARTA bus in Atlanta in the fall of 1977. I was sitting on the side seat behind the driver, and Bob was standing in front of me holding on to the overhead rail in this very crowded bus. I am proud to say that after over 30 years together, he is still the love of my life!

They were also published on CNN last Valentines Day and it tells more of their story..... Click here to view it!

Kaylee - Senior Pictures

Kaylee is a senior this year! We did all of these at Botanical Garden in Athens, Ga (State Botanical Garden of Georgia). I have done many shoots in Athens but had NO idea that this amazing place even existed!  I love it there! It's so peaceful and gorgeous that it makes me want to just sit out there and read(and I don't even like to read).

C.W. Elliott - Senior Pictures

This is C.W. Elliott. He is a senior in high school this year. My previous post of Matt+Monica+Abby is actually his sister and brother-in-law. So, he' s my best friend Michelle's brother. I've known him for the past five years and I've watched him grow up to be a godly man following and loving Christ! I'm so proud of him!

One of C.W.'s favorite thing is sunsets. So, look what God did for him towards the end of the photo shoot! Yay!!!

LOL he was expressing his excitement for the sunset!

Girl Time

Every once in a while I like to put  together a girls night out for my friends and I. We like to dress up, do a photo shoot, and then go to dinner etc.   There were 18 of us girls altogether. I've never photographed 17 girls all at once so this was an experience! I didn't want all of their pictures to look the same so I tried hard to make them different from each other. I'll be putting more on Facebook later when I finish the rest of them.  I had a blast girls! I'm so grateful to call y'all my friends. Y'all are amazing. -Ashah

I warned the girls driving that I may randomly pull over on the side of the road when I saw a sweet spot to shoot at....I found it alright, but I picked the very spot that had some good ol' Georgia red clay haha woops! Needless to say it got all over our shoes:)


Twins!!! (I'm their triplet btw)