Alexandria Louisiana Weddings - Katie+Will=Larry

I've known Katie for a very long time. She used to live in Milledgeville, Georgia (where I am based out of). I have absolutely adored her and her family for years. A few years ago they moved to Alexandria, Louisiana(I've blogged about them before). Shortly after they moved, Katie and Will met each other. They dated for a little over two years and at the end of September, they got married! I am so proud of the woman that Katie has become and I know she will be an excellent wife to Will!!!! I love you KT-K! When planning an outdoor wedding, you always need a backup plan incase it rains. In this case, we needed the backup plan(which was their church). I loved Katie & Will's attitude about it though. They just wanted to get married no matter what. They didn't really care if their plans & locations got changed. It was no big deal. The all around attitude was "LET'S JUST GET MARRIED!!!":) I'm so grateful it didn't really start raining hard until after I did Katie & Will's pictures(Praise Jesus for "First Looks;).


Katie's Daddy...

I love Will's reaction!

They/we were a little excited:) I may or may not have screamed a little during this shot!

I have a huge canvas in my studio of this little angel below...I could photograph her all day long.

At this point, it was raining pretty hard. We were pretty grateful for this handy little pavilion that the reception was supposed to be under!

My favorite part of their ceremony was the worship service afterwards. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that!! I even got to join in for part of it because it lasted for about 15 minutes.

Annie, you are way too cute! Seriously!

Southern Wedding in Dearing, Georgia - Whitney+Mason=Edge

Whitney is from Georgia & Mason is from South Carolina. They met in New York City. They got married on September 15th at Whitney's parent's GORGEOUS farm in Dearing, Georgia. It was such a magnificent wedding and I loved it so much. Venue: White Hills Farm

Florist: Landrum Flowers and Gifts & Mrs. Kessler's garden

Hair: Whitney's Aunt Anna Creef

Caterer: Culinary Connections - Charlene Tinley

Cake Artist: Red Top Cake Shop

Dress: Vera Wang

Rings: Catbird

Shoes: Seychelles

Picture below by: Deborah

Heritage Green Park - Sandy Springs, Georgia Wedding - Savannah+Ryan=Pollyniak

Savannah and Ryan met at the airport. Yes, the airport! How cool is that?! Savannah and Ryan got married on September 7th in Sandy Springs, Georgia. She has been telling me about this guy Ryan for a long time now. They are so very in love. Savannah has encouraged me in my photography for YEARS. She is always making comments on my Facebook Fan Page. Y'all may not know this, but that REALLY is SO encouraging. She has been a fan for a long time and that means so much to me. I also photographed Savannah's senior pictures when I was first starting out in photography. It was in 2002 I think. I know she is thankful I didn't pose her like I did in those pictures :)


Venue: Heritage Green Park

(I love this venue!)

Hair Stylist: Nick Archer

DJ: Avalanche Entertainment

Caterer: Community Q BBQ

Deborah did the picture below!

The picture below is one of my favorites from the day. The moment I saw it on my LCD screen I said, this is one of those perfectly imperfect pictures. Technically my shutter speed was too slow and it caused motion blur. I love it though. You can almost hear Savannah and her grandmother laughing. It was a beautiful moment.

Savannah, you are STUNNING!

Deborah photographed the picture below!

YES! They had a water gun fight exit! It was hilarious & perfect!

Milledgeville Georgia Weddings - Jeni+Ben=McLeod

Jeni & Ben got married last Saturday. They had the wedding at Northside Baptist Church where Jeni's father is the pastor. It was such a God glorifying day, I loved every minute! Venue: Northside Baptist Church

Makeup Artist: Laura Beth Harpe

Hair Stylist: Kay Campbell

Catering: Maleah Simpson

Cake Artist: Ryals Bakery

Videographer: Ronnie Cowan


Check out their engagement pictures here!


Jared's(Jeni's brother) reaction when he first saw Jeni in her wedding dress!

A sweet sibling moment...

They had SUCH a sweet "first look"....

Deborah got the picture below...

Deborah got this picture below....Ben's father is to his right and the rest of them are all brothers!

Deborah got the picture below...

This was right after the ceremony, they went straight to a private room and just sat down and prayed. I was fighting back tears as I tried to photograph it. It was one of the sweetest celebrations I've ever seen.

After the reception, the families prayed for Jeni & Ben before they left on the honeymoon.


I can't end this blog post without including the Pickard traditional wedding picture! A little over six years ago (when I worked for Joe DeGrandis), Shelly Watson and I photographed Jeni's older sister Jana's wedding at the same church. This is the Pickard siblings "Charlie's Angel pose". So, here they are 6 years ago, and then now! They are so much fun!