Girl Time

Every once in a while I like to put  together a girls night out for my friends and I. We like to dress up, do a photo shoot, and then go to dinner etc.   There were 18 of us girls altogether. I've never photographed 17 girls all at once so this was an experience! I didn't want all of their pictures to look the same so I tried hard to make them different from each other. I'll be putting more on Facebook later when I finish the rest of them.  I had a blast girls! I'm so grateful to call y'all my friends. Y'all are amazing. -Ashah

I warned the girls driving that I may randomly pull over on the side of the road when I saw a sweet spot to shoot at....I found it alright, but I picked the very spot that had some good ol' Georgia red clay haha woops! Needless to say it got all over our shoes:)


Twins!!! (I'm their triplet btw)

Demetrius Minor

Demetrius is a college senior this year at Augusta State University. He is also a buddy of mine from a mission trip last year. We shot these pictures at the River-walk in Augusta a few days ago. Angel, his beautiful German Shepherd was SO well behaved and such a sweetie! I hope you enjoy!
